Life Insurance Corporation Limited is a good company of Life Insurance. This company seems to give good dividends to its shareholders. It can be seen that it has given 10%-60% for the past few years. This company has not given any dividend since 3 years.
FY Year
Bonus Share = 62%
Cash Dividend = 3.26%
Total 65.26%
And Earning per share, this company does not seem to have published the First Quarter Report. It can be seen that the Book Value of Yash Company is 122 Rupees.
In fY Year 2076/77, it has also given Bonus Share Cash Dividend up to 21% to its share holders. A dividend of 20% is considered good in a life insurance company.
FY Year
Bonus Share=10%
Cash Divident= 0.52%
Total = 10.52%
FY Year
Bonus Share=34.46%
Cash Divident=35.53%
Total =70%
FY Year
Bonus Share =12%
Cash Divident= 0.63%
Total = 12.63%
In the fiscal year 2074, the best and most dividend has been given to the ShareHolder. At that time Yash company's share price was good and now it has come down to Rs 1550.
Life Insurance Corporation Nepal Limited is the most expensive company in the life insurance sector.