Kalinchowk Darshan's ipo is going to open for the general public. If you also want to know when the ipo is opening, please read today's article completely.
Although Kalinchowk Darshan has already issued IPO for local residents and those who have gone for foreign employment, it has also been vandalized. And now on the 3rd of Magh IPO is going to be opened for the general public or all of us. This company is collecting funds through IPO to build a temple or some structure for visitors from abroad.
You should not apply for more than 10 shares in the shares of this company because the number of applicants who will apply for the IPO today and tomorrow has reached 15/18 lakhs. If you are allowed to apply for IPO BadfadAfter that, there is hardly any share allotment of 10 shares or not at all and since the money applied for your ipo will be held for a long time, please apply only for 10 shares.