Kalinchowk Darshan IPO Result Check IPO Result Kalinkchowk ?

 Joshipur: The IPO of Kalinchok Darshan Company has been prepared to be distributed within the next week. According to sales manager Nabil Investment Banking, preparations are being made to distribute the IPO next week as some work is left and the work is still pending. It seems that you have to rely on luck to get the lion's share of Kalinchok Darshan's IPO. Its IPO received 18.52 times more applications than demand. Therefore, Yash Company's IPO will be distributed through lion round method. In this, 14 lakh 32 thousand 881 people have applied for a total of 1 crore 66 lakh 8 thousand sharesIn which only 89 thousand 640 people will get shares.

The remaining 13 lakh 43 thousand 241 applicants will be left empty-handed. The company issued an IPO of 1080 thousand shares worth Rs 108 million from January 3rd to January 6th. Out of this, 10% i.e. 1 lakh 8 thousand shares have already been issued for Nepalis who are employed abroad. Out of which 5% i.e. 54 thousand shares of Mutual Fund and 2% i.e. 21 thousand 600 shares were allocated for employees. 

The remaining 896 thousand 400 shares have been opened for sale to the general public. Nabil Investment Banking has done the work of sales manager. Care Rating Nepal has given the Issuing Company a 'Care NP Double B Plus' Issuer Rating indicating medium risk in its ability to bear financial obligations.


You can see the IPO result of this company from Mero Sher's official website and Share Hub Mr Nepse or from this link.

IPO Result Click Here

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