kalinchowk darshan ipo result date || kalinchowk darshan ipo || kalinchowk darshan ipo opening range

 Kalinchok Darshan Limited Company has issued IPO for General Public from 3rd to 6th of Magh. And today, on magh 19th, it has been informed that the IPO will be Allotment.

It means to destroy the IPO on January 19th at 10 am. Since this company has more applications than the demand, the IPO will be destroyed by this company's lion shooting method. Only 89640 lucky people will get 10-10 shares of this company, while the rest of the applicants will remain empty-handed.

Ipo Hold and Sell

If you like the IPO of this company, then you can sell shares of this company for 2000-3000 per share. If you get shares of this company for 1500-2000 in the secondary market, you can buy them.

Looking at the financial details of the company, it cannot do as well as the microfinance company. Since this company is a new sector, it can be expected to give a good profit, but if you invest for Long Tram, there is a possibility of giving a good profit.

If you hold shares of this Company for 3-5 years, you can expect good profit. If it is for short term, you can book a good profit by selling when the IPO price is high

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