We will discuss why the share price of nic Asia Bank Limited is more than the share price of Nabil Bank Limited. Is Nabil Bank becoming weaker than Nic Asia Bank?
We all know that the share price of Nic Asia Bank is rising even though Nic Asia Bank has not given any Bonus Cash Dividend this financial year. And there, after Nabil Bank Limited acquired Nepal Bangladesh Bank, there has been a decline in Earning per share EPS and last year before Nabil Bank gave Bonus and Cash Dividend, the share price of Nabil Bank reached Rs 1750 and now it is around Rs 700. can be seen.
On the other hand, even though Nic asia Bank did not give any kind of Bonus Share and Cash Dividend last year, there is a jump in the share price.
The special reason for this depends on the management of the bank and the customer has also been well satisfied. This is the reason why the customer and shareholder also look more attractive towards Nic Asai Bank than Nabil bank.